Unicaf University (ZM) Master of Science in Managerial Psychology
Module name:
Dissertation Part 1
Module code:

Toprovidethestudent withtheappropriateskillstoinitiate,anddevelop, sustainandreportamajor research project ina selectedtopic are a related to OrganizationalPsychology.
To provide the facilitation of writing a dissertation.
Todevelopcritical understanding of a rangeof researchparadigms, strategies andmethodsusedfor datacollection, analysis, reporting and evaluating within research.
Toanalyze aproblemortask andformulateobjectives.
To exercisejudgementinthe light of observedandpublisheddata.
To build on the theoretical, interpersonal and practicalskillsrequired to complete the dissertation from initiation to completion.

Identify, collate, interpret and contextualize current literature in a specialized field within Business Psychology;
A critical awareness of Quantitative and/or Qualitative research paradigms and methods;
Initiate, sustain andcomplete a pre-planned study through their own efforts andinsights;
Identifyandcontextualizethefindingsoftheir workbothintermsofitsplacein thefieldaswellasits academic rigor;
Work independently andethically,whilst takingaccountof the best adviceof anadvisor,or other Professional Ethical Codes/ Frameworks which are appropriate
Writeanacademicdissertationintherequiredformfor theUniversityof Wales, Newport,Schoolof Health&SocialSciences andwhichreflectsthe characteristicsoftheselectedspecialisedfieldin BusinessPsychology.

UU-PSY-700-ZM UU-PSY-701-ZM UU-PSY-702-ZM UU-PSY-703-ZM UU-PSY-704-ZM UU-PSY-705-ZM UU-Msc-IND100-ZM UU-FNT-203-ZM