Unicaf University (ZM) Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance
Module name:
Performance Management
Module code:


Performance Management enables students to apply and evaluate alternative costing systems, management and budgeting techniques, planning and control. It offers the students ground to identify and measure information which is relevant for different types of business decisions.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course students will be expected to:
(i)    Apply and evaluate alternative costing systems and managerial accounting techniques.  
(ii)   Explain the use of standard costing to measure and evaluate performance and to take remedial action. 
(iii)  Apply budgeting techniques and evaluate alternative methods of budgeting, planning and control.  
(iv)  Describe the basic agency theory and explain the factors that should be considered in designing performance measures for evaluating responsibility centres and managers.  
(v)   Measure and identify information which is relevant for different types of business decisions.

UU-Bsc-IND100-ZM UU-FNT-103-ZM