Unicaf University (ZM) Master of Science in Healthcare Management - ZM
Module name:
Research Methodology
Module code:

After the completion of the module, students will be able to:
Develop research skills for their appropriate academic level.
Learn to work on statistical software like IBM SPSS.
Make use of data and analyse them as well as import them to the appropriate software in order to come up with results, especially in epidemiological studies.

Understand the basic principles of research methodology.
Authored their postgraduate dissertations.
Importing data from studies in the statistical package IBM SPSS.
Carry out basic analyses of the statistical package IBM SPSS.

UU-MHM-530-ZM UU-MHM-550-ZM UU-MHM-510-ZM UU-MHM-520-ZM UU-MHM-540-ZM UU-MHM-580-ZM UU-MHM-590-ZM UU-Msc-IND100-ZM UU-FNT-203-ZM