Unicaf University (ZM) Master of Arts in Educational Leadership and Management
Module name:
Fundamentals of Curriculum
Module code:

Background and Rationale

The course will include a mix of theory and practice, with an emphasis on improving teaching and learning at the level of the school and the individual teacher. It will therefore focus on theories and research about effective teaching. It will address the new definition of curriculum resulting from emerging technologies and compare traditional approaches to curriculum planning and development with alternative approaches in terms of their origins, underlying assumptions, utility in various settings, and effects. The course will provide students with the opportunity to identify and characterize their own approaches to curriculum planning. It will take a critical focus on ethical, epistemological and social-cultural issues and how they shape local and more global forms of curriculum.


Learning Outcomes

After completion of the course students are expected to be able to

  1. different sets of outcomes
  2. develop a curriculum on National and international academic criteria and standards
  3. different stages of the learning process
  4. different student backgrounds


UU-Msc-IND100-ZM UU-FNT-203-ZM