Unicaf University (ZM) Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature - BL
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Background and Rationale

The main objectives of the course are to:
• Provide students with an understanding of the relationship between language and the brain by focusing on the ways humans comprehend, produce and acquire language;
• Help students discover how human languages work, and what it is about human minds that makes them able to learn and use language;
• Use a more interdisciplinary and holistic approach to the study of psycholinguistics by drawing information from various disciplines such as linguistics, sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, psychology, anthropology, sociology, philosophy, and neuroscience.

Learning outcomes
After completion of the course students are expected to be able to:
1. Show an understanding of the relationship between language and the brain;
2. Demonstrate knowledge of psycholinguistic concerns in regard to comprehension, production and language acquisition;
3. Know the types of linguistic knowledge humans need to be able to use language;
4. Show knowledge of the cognitive processes involved in the use of language;
5. Show familiarity with methods of data collection for psycholinguistic investigation;
6. Analyze, discuss and question various psycholinguistic issues;
7. Review and discuss interdisciplinary readings of psycholinguistic concern.

UU-Bsc-IND100-ZM UU-FNT-103-ZM