Unicaf University (ZM) Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature
Module name:
Globalization, Identity and English Language Education
Module code:

Background and Rationale

This module should appeal to anyone with an interest in the way languages express and shape identity, and in particular the way that English as an international language, driving and driven by globalization, creates new opportunities and dilemmas for individuals and communities in various parts of the world.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module students will be able to:
 distinguish ESOL as a primary form of English language education;
 discuss the role of English in the era of globalisation, and the way its spread presents dilemmas for local societies;
 discuss the role of personal identity and its relation to motivation to learn language inside and outside institutions;
 describe how national policy, local culture and institutional context can influence what and how languages are taught;

UU-Bsc-IND100-ZM UU-FNT-103-ZM