Unicaf University (ZM) Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature
Module name:
Global Shakespeare
Module code:

Background and Rationale

Shakespeare enjoys a remarkable cultural afterlife all over the world in various languages and cultures. This module aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to read, interpret, and analyse the “Global Shakespeare” across these different literary traditions and cultures. Students will gain a critical overview, through primary and secondary texts, of the different ways in which Shakespeare was and continues to be popular and relevant to readers, critics, audience, and performers across cultures. The module will also provide students interested in global literatures and theatre with the necessary foundation for further research.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this modules students should be able to:
 Have a critical understanding of Shakespeare’s global legacy across cultures
 Analyse a range of adaptations of “Global Shakespeare’s” in the respective political, social, literary, and cultural context of their production;
 Apply and adapt existing knowledge to new texts and contexts in a sophisticated and appropriate manner

UU-Bsc-IND100-ZM UU-FNT-103-ZM