Unicaf University (MW) Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Health Management
Module name:
Health Systems and Evaluation of Health Systems, Services and Public Health Programmes
Module code:

Module Description
This module examines the role and importance of operations management and of project management in a health organization. This module will introduce students to the key differences between project management and operations management in an organization.
Throughout this module, students will gain the knowledge and skills necessary for making recommendations and changes aimed at improving existing operations within health organizations.
Module Aim
This Module aims at equipping students with knowledge and skills to manage projects that support specific goals, as well as manage the process of continual improvement of operations.
Module Learning Outcomes
After completing the Module students are expected to:
1. Distinguish between project management and operations management
2. Develop a project plan
3. Develop a process improvement plan
4. Make recommendations to improve the health care sector
5. Explain how project and operations management can contribute towards the success of a health organisation

UU-MBA-710-MW UU-MBA-717-MW UU-M-IND100 UU-FNT-203 UU-MBA-775-MW UU-MBA-733-MW UU-MBA-709-MW UU-MBA-708-MW