Strategic marketing has a fundamental role within organizations. It implies analysis,
planning, strategy formulation and managing relations over time, to create value for
the organization and its stakeholders. It is responsible for delivering core corporate
objectives by offering value propositions to targeted customer segments in the long
term. This module is centred on a customer-facing approach, integrated across and
throughout companies, not-for-profit organizations and the public sector.
To appreciate the key role of marketing in company’s success and competitive
To develop a strategic approach to marketing analysis and planning
To develop critical understanding of the formulation and implementation of
integrated marketing plans
To appreciate and apply techniques for developing profitable customer
On completion of this module, students should be able to
Demonstrate command of a range of marketing models used by organizations
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the role of strategic marketing in supporting
relationships between organizations and their stakeholders in today’s changing
environments, at both macro and micro levels
Analyse marketing activities across a range of organizations and develop problemsolving
skills in marketing
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the importance of developing relations with
stakeholders (with a focus on customers and consumers), and suggest strategies
for the sustainable management of such relationships