1. To engage in independent and critical thinking and apply theoretical concepts in the field of international relations.
2. To apply knowledge of recent advances within the field of international relations and situate the proposed work accordingly.
3. To identify, access and critically evaluate relevant research resources.
4. To present and defend research findings in an appropriate and scholarly manner.
5. To examine an appropriate area of research and modify the project after discussion, reflection and feedback.
Learning Outcomes
After completing the module the student should be able to:
1 Demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding in a specialised area relating to international relations.
2 Apply appropriate research methodologies in the completion of the project.
3 Organise relevant material in a logical and coherent manner.
4 Sustain a coherent argument throughout the research project.
Learning Outcomes of Assessments
The assessment item list is assessed via the learning outcomes listed:
Literature Review 1 2 3
project 1 2 3 4