Main aim(s) of the module:
This module aims to provide students with conceptual knowledge in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Vision. The module equips the students to develop competencies in digital image analysis and machine learning approaches for the design and development of computing applications.
Main topics of study:
- History of AI
- Machine Learning & Big Data
- Neural Networks
- Deep Learning
- Digital image processing in spatial and frequency domain
- Image restoration, compression, segmentation and classification
- Mid-level and High-level vision related systems
- Ethical, Legal, Privacy and Social Issues within AI applications
Learning Outcomes for the module
- Digital Proficiency - Code = (DP)
- Industry Connections - Code = (IC)
- Emotional Intelligence Development - Code = (EID)
- Social Intelligence Development - Code = (SID)
- Physical Intelligence Development - Code = (PID)
- Cultural Intelligence Development - Code = (CID)
- Cognitive Intelligence Development – Code = (COI)
- Community Connections - Code = (CC)
- UEL Give-Back - Code = (UGB)
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
- Relate and describe the various digital image processing and analysis methodologies, methods and tools used for the modelling, design and development of AI system. (DP)
- Explain the concepts behind computer based recognition and the extraction of features.
Thinking skills
- Analyse problems associated with modelling and designing digital vision based AI Systems (COI)
- Examine the ethical, legal, social and economic issues involved within vision-based AI systems development. (CID)
- Analyse the suitable digital vision methods for a specific AI problem (COI).
Subject-based practical skills
- Design and build an AI information system using digital vision models and tools. (DP)
Skills for life and work (general skills)
- Work effectively as a member of a team in developing a prototype applications for a given scenario. (SI)
- Assimilate new knowledge through research and be able to describe this in a written report. (EID)