University of East London MSc in International Business Management
Module name:
Applied Business Project
Module code:

Summary of module for applicants:

The aim of this module is to enable you to conduct an applied business project. This could
include a work-based consultancy project, report on archival research, business simulation,
project management report, or case study.

Main topics of study:

Students will be able to access a comprehensive VLE page with a range of resources to support their digital, social and emotional intelligence, as they work on the project. This page will also consist of wide range of research methods support material. All students will also be appointed a supervisor from the academic teaching team who will support their progress during the project.

Learning Outcomes for the module

Where a LO meets one of the UEL core competencies, please put a code next to the LO that
links to the competence.

At the end of this module, students will be able to:


LO.1 demonstrate the ability to analyse complex business and management problems
critically and rigorously and make evidenced based management recommendations (IC)
LO.2 demonstrate high levels of expertise in selecting and conducting research methods
and addressing strategically significant organisational problems and issues. (IC) (UGB)
Thinking skills
LO.3 demonstrate synthesis of knowledge and skills by applying appropriate research
strategies and philosophies to organisational issues (PID)
LO.4 demonstrate self-directed capacity to plan, design and monitor an individual
piece of research (EID)
LO.5 design and present a well-defined and structured report covering the investigation
with appropriate and justified conclusions and recommendations, while showing
awareness of their limitations.(DP) (UGB) (IC)
Subject based skills
LO.6 identify, interpret and engage in critical analysis and discussion of
contemporary literature in your professional field. (PID)
LO.7 demonstrate the ability to effectively analyse business problems from the professional
practitioner perspective in your field and make meaningful and where appropriate costed
business recommendations (DP) (IC) (UGB)
LO.8 demonstrate the skills of logical thought, critical evaluation, data analysis and
reflection that will enhance influencing and negotiation capabilities as practitioner in
your relevant field (EID)

Skills for life

LO.9 demonstrate the ability for self-directed learning and the ability to reflect on
learning, and emotional and social intelligence, which will inform future practice
LO.10 exhibit digital proficiency in computer aided research skills that promotes the
effective presentation of research findings and recommendations (DP)



UEL-IND-M-100 UEL-HR-7004