University of East London MSc in Oil and Gas with Energy Management
Module name:
Governing International Oil and Gas
Module code:

Summary of module for applicants:

The module will provide you with a conceptual and empirical introduction to international political economy of oil and gas. In particular, the module focuses on external environmental challenges facing the sector such as the role of the national and international oil companies, states and markets, geopolitics and technology. The module provides an opportunity to evaluate past and present industry challenges to understand key emerging trends to provide the business with industry-focused recommendations and solutions.


Main topics of study:


Learning Outcomes for the module

The following codes identify where a learning outcome meets one of the UEL core competencies:


At the end of this module, students will be able to:


1. Demonstrate familiarity with and understanding of the main conceptual issues of international political economy of oil and gas industry (IC)

2. Debate the role of oil and gas sector in economic development and the impact of emerging competition within the sector

Thinking skills:

3. Demonstrate a critical awareness of the main conceptual issues and their suitability and applicability to critically analyse case-study, industry-focused material (COI) (IC)

Subject-based practical skills:

4. Develop and express ideas in the form of independent research (SID)

5. Use information and knowledge effectively to abstract meaning from information and share knowledge (CC)


Skills for life and work (general skills):

6. Understand and apply information and knowledge effectively through in-depth understanding of the effects of changing energy governance (COI).


