The module presents a diversity of approaches to education policy making, implementation and analysis. Education policy is presented as an example of public policy in order to situate educational policy within the broader public policy context. Student teachers are introduced to global, continental and national education policy and national educational policy planning and analysis. They are introduced to factors affecting national policy, planning and implementation and the importance of data and evidence in informing and evaluating policy.
Module Aim
This course aims to equip student teachers with the knowledge and understanding of the development, implementation and analysis of educational policy. It further aims to enable student teachers to become acquainted with the processes and strategies as well as the factors that influence educational policy development, implementation and analysis.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the module, students are expected to be able to:
1. Outline the nature of educational policy and planning;
2. Identify the strategic components of educational policy and planning;
3. Assess the role of planning in designing a policy implementation strategy;
4. Prioritise planning strategies based on the particularities of nations, their stages of educational development and their needs;
5. Demonstrate an awareness of global, continental and national policy directions
6. Discuss the policy making process;
7. Outline policy implementation strategies for various aspects of national education goals and aspirations;
8. Analyse the importance of data and evidence in the designing and evaluation of policy strategies;
9. Discuss the nature of educational policy analysis;