The module constitutes a discussion of business enterprises, entrepreneurship and financial literacy. It discusses the types of businesses and the management activities involved, the forms of entrepreneurship and its role in the national development as well as the required financial knowledge that an entrepreneur is required to have in order to succeed in business.
Module Aim:
The main aim of this module is to equip student teachers with adequate information on the concept and nature of business enterprises and associated financial issues so that they are better equipped to participate in entrepreneurial activities.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
Business Management
1. Discuss the scope and nature of business management
2. Describe the goals and characteristics of small business enterprises (SMEs)
3. Examine the basic concepts of management
4. Apply the management principles of organizing, planning, staffing, controlling and directing
5. Apply research and budgeting principles as they apply to co-operatives and small business enterprises