Unicaf University (ZM) Bachelor of Human Resource Management
Module name:
Planning, Recruitment and Selection
Module code:

Background and Rationale

The human asset considered to be one of the most precious gems that an organisation could own should be positioned at the core of the wider organisational structure. Therefore, the selection process of the employees sets the foundations for a supportive and sustainable workforce and needs to be done through specific strategic planning and by well-educated HR practitioners who have both the eye and the relative perception to make these choices, being able to develop, orient and train the employees in the right way. Hence, this course will equip students with the necessary theoretical knowledge and techniques for workforce planning, identification and employee attraction (personnel selection) including: the application process, CV writing, testing and interviewing.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course students will be expected to:
(i)    Describe the main techniques used in employment planning and forecasting. 
(ii)   Explain the need for effective recruiting. 
(iii)  Define the main internal and external sources of candidates. 
(iv)  Make use of practical guidelines for obtaining application information. 
(v)   Provide examples of the basic categories of selection tests. 
(vi)  Describe ways to improve an employer’s background checking process.
(vii) List examples of the main types of selection interviews. 
(viii) Explain the main errors that can undermine the usefulness of an interview.
(ix)  Recognise one’s potential and talent through interviews and assessment practices.
(x)   Interpret the psychological traits behind employee’s presentation of themselves and the various signs of body language.

UU-Bsc-IND100-ZM UU-FNT-103-ZM