Unicaf University (ZM) Master of Public Administration
Module name:
Governance and Public Policy
Module code:

Students need to comprehend the increasingly complex range of perspectives, interests and arenas with which public policy makers and public managers are expected to work. They ought to be exposed to ways in which ideas about governance are shaping modern policy making. This module will render students able to describe and debate issues of public sector reform and ‘joined up’ government, policy networks, democracy and participation in public policy, the management of knowledge in the changing context.

Critically analyze and discuss diverse theories of governance.
Identify current issues facing governance at the local, national, regional, post national and global level.
Demonstrate an applied understanding of the procedural knowledge required by policy makers in contemporary governance contexts.
Demonstrate the ability to apply a critical understanding of contemporary good governance principles to practical examples of policy making.

UU-MPA-7000-ZM UU-MPA-7010-ZM UU-MPA-7020-ZM UU-Msc-IND100-ZM UU-FNT-203-ZM